The CSS ‘content’ property accepts alternative text
Browser support is not great yet though.
Browser support is not great yet though.
Quickly bring Google’s quality metrics into your web page.
Performance tuning for responsive images.
A new CSS property simplifies to build color-schemed UIs.
Chrome starts to use a partitioned browser cache like Safari.
An exciting way to create graphical effects.
Woo-hoo, complex selectors in :not() pseudo-classes!
Quotes in different languages for multi-lingual web sites.
Reusable variables for media queries are in the spec, but not supported.
Meanwhile, it’s pretty easy to match your scrollbar with your design.
There are some great CSS features in the making.
“‘Sign up’ and ‘Sign in’ are the most confusing terms for me as non-native english speaker. Always takes me a moment to click the right thing. Can't we go with ‘Create account’ and ‘Log in’?”
Caution, don’t mix ‘!important’ into custom property values.
What the upcoming CSS color notation is all about.
Say hello to elem.showPicker().
A method to report to global event handlers.
The HTML dialog element is a welcome addition to the web platform.
Current browser versions and release notes as site, feed, or API.
‘Intl.Segmenter’ is a great way to split strings into meaningful parts.
A way to considerably reduce the file size of a web font.
“SVG is such a secret powerhouse for creating custom filters.”
There is a better solution than manually escaping characters.
It’s time to switch from hsl() to oklch() for color palettes.
A nifty return-to-top feature that surfaces as you scroll.
A web component to make your text sparkle.
Yes, you can disable password managers for a form element.
What you need to know about the ‘target=_blank’ security issue.
How can we deal with website copyright violations?
“Registering a domain is different from owning a domain.”
Simplify your ‘font-family’ property with ‘system-ui’.
Let’s use avatars on our blogs and websites!