Bing updates its Webmaster Guidelines
How the search engine crawls, indexes and ranks content.
Inautilo uses cookies to
improve your experience
How the search engine crawls, indexes and ranks content.
Say hello to Google‘s serial cart abandoner John Smith.
What is not a Google search ranking factor.
This should come as no surprise to most of you.
Google starts to index individual passages from the pages.
Bing follows Google and publishes a list of Bingbot IP addresses.
Sundar Pichai confirmed the company’s plans to deliver ChatGPT like features.
Google Search now displays your website’s favicon even if it’s located elsewhere.
Generative AI would require new machine-readable methods.
You can now ask it not to access your website in robots.txt.
An overview of all confirmed updates of the year.
The search giant has officially deprecated the feature.
Clarifications on how you can delist your website images.
Sites that are inaccessible on mobile will not be indexed.
Google says “Fix those that actually will help users.”
Wayback Machine links have replaced cached pages.
Directives such as ‘crawl-delay’ are not supported.
Microsoft follows Google’s earlier removal of the cache link.
How to access it and control it with robots.txt.