Gettin’ Foldy with the Dual-screen Web
Say hello to web design for foldable devices.
Say hello to web design for foldable devices.
What if all browsers switched to a single engine?
You start with three tools, but then you grapple with twenty.
How to spice up your blog posts with minimal effort.
Why it’s hard to support Safari in every web project.
What you can expect from Web Components 2021.
Surprisingly, it isn’t ‘tabs’ that might make for a good ‘tabs’ element.
What we can do if we truly want better browsers.
An idea for the Global Accessibility Awareness Day.
“The secret to making successful creative products.”
How to deal with odd-numbered grids.
“The ability to easily create quality 60 FPS page transitions is a game changer.”
“Web Components have a marketing problem.”
What matters most is how you respond to it.
“A browser that browses for you. A code editor that writes code for you. A chatbot that does the chatting for you. Interesting times.”
It’s so new it’s not even in the HTML spec yet.
Don’t remove a feature used by many low-vision users.
Why learning vanilla web components matters.
Guidelines for building user-friendly and accessible web forms.
Beware: “Not everything needs to be a web component.“
“Like features, tokens can create little piles of technical debt.”
It doesn’t come with one out of the box.
Ways to reduce visual noise in your code editor.