Embracing modern image formats
Tiny cross-browser images, in HTML and React.
Tiny cross-browser images, in HTML and React.
An elegant solution to a tricky modern layout.
Developing software using dictation and eye-tracking.
A search engine to learn more about JavaScript operators.
The logic behind a weird CSS behavior.
How you can use them to create lush, polished animations.
Let’s explore one of the most misunderstood CSS mechanisms.
Learning to learn matters, especially for web developers.
The ‘transform’ property is much more versatile than you think.
How one of the most powerful, versatile tools in CSS works.
How to transform typical box-shadows into beautiful, life-like ones.
A tool to help you create lush, realistic CSS shadows.
What it does and why you might want to use it.
A tool to create vivid gradients with different color modes.
The mental model shift that makes CSS more intuitive.
The missing manual of terminal fundamentals for JavaScript developers.
“I don’t think UI frameworks should be used for most consumer-facing products.”
“There are plenty of frameworks/libraries/tools I don’t like, but I try not to talk shit about them. I’ve been on the receiving end of people criticizing the free and open-source stuff I’ve built, and it isn’t fun at all.”
Let’s answer the question “Should I use pixels or rems?” once and for all.
The difference between a ‘statement’ and an ‘expression’ in JavaScript.
Let’s build a mental model for how React’s re-rendering process works.
Master dynamic layouts with CSS Flexbox by using the right mental model.
Which one to use in which case? Hex, RGB, HSL, HSB, LCH, Display P3?
How to wire up all of the different form controls in React.
“The hard thing is solving complex problems with simple code.”
“If you’re starting a new long-term project, add support for Dark Mode early. It’s a heck of a lot easier than retrofitting an older project.”
Things are going to change, but not in the scary way people are saying.
“Springs can have a surprisingly profound impact on animation quality.”
Modulo (%) is one of the most commonly misunderstood operators.
CSS Grid may be more complex than you think.
An interactive guide to modern CSS centering techniques.
Understanding the future of CSS-in-JS and React.
Master the concept and application of promises.
“The CSS :has selector is incredibly powerful.”
Web technologies for a blog with 100,000+ code lines.
The CSS feature everyone asked for but few are using.
When is it safe to use a modern CSS feature?
How you can make the effect much more vibrant.
Where container queries outperform media queries.
With the right mindset, CSS is easier to understand.