Cloudflare’s AI content control
Are the AI combat tools a savior or threat to the open web?
Are the AI combat tools a savior or threat to the open web?
Wayback Machine links have replaced cached pages.
“A step in the right direction to protect users’ privacy.”
“I’m not a robot” can now mean something else.
One-time purchase options for popular subscription tools.
A step-by-step guide to get you started in a short time.
On 1 October 1994, Tim Berners-Lee founded the W3C.
Just drag and drop the URL to the desktop or any folder.
Danny Sullivan acknowledges challenges for smaller sites.
Generate QR Codes in different styles (via JavaScript).
“The secret of successful product development isn’t an innovation that bursts forth as a polished and finished product. Instead, it’s sticking with something that is almost useless, nurturing and sharing and improving until we can’t imagine living without it.“
11 years of trends and insights from 1000+ bloggers.
Zero-click platforms are taking over; what now?
“Be careful when picking your top-level domain.”
Is launching on ProductHunt worth it?
A simple checker to spot differences between texts.
A tool to scan websites for privacy at scale.
The SEO tool now delivers website insights you can act on.
“We can return to that place where the web is a place of wonder, where all of us feel that same burning feeling of excitement as we push the web back towards the wonderful, beautiful, joyful place it ought to be.”
“RSS will nudge the whole internet towards a better state.”
“Registering a domain is different from owning a domain.”
Google drops site-specific searches from result pages.
“The web is never going to be the same.”
AI command line, split screen, media player, and more.
What’s new with the popular SEO browser extension.
New UI, dashboard, better email client, feed reader, and sync.
Because “Arc is just too much novelty and change.”
“Movements like the Indieweb and the Fediverse remind me that the ideals I once loved, and that spirit of the early web, aren’t lost. They’re evolving, just like everything else.”
Verify if your website’s favicon works for Google Search.
When companies pretend to be open-source.
Sometimes, a domain has an unpleasant history.
OpenAI adds a search engine to its chatbot.
“If you’re not open to the idea that the problem you are solving for may need something other than a digital solution, then you're not really interested in solving the problem.”
The possibility and limitations of ChatGPT Search.
The challenge of choosing an ethical browser.
On November 9, 2004, Mozilla launched Firefox 1.0.
What does the future of web search look like?
The proposal suggests familiar ways to block the bots.
How to gain visibility in generative AI answers.
The most popular passwords by country and worldwide.
“In an online world dominated by huge online presences, maybe we should start spending more time celebrating smallness. Because, from a purely human perspective, small scale is the best scale.”
“It’s popular to claim that AI is now as bad as it will ever be. I think it’s naive to underestimate how much worse anything designed by humans can become in the future.”
“It’s important to know why you want to pursue speaking.”
Why they are so powerful and how to craft yours.
An insider’s view on authentic and engaging blogging.
“What people actually need are laws.”
“I don’t see Google being forced to drop Chrome.”
How to use it avoiding the pitfalls.
Why you should only activate them when needed.
“Value is produced from caring. By caring, we produce quality, which in turn produces users who are delighted by our products and want to use them.”
“Google has become every brand’s home page.”
Mozilla’s rebrand for the next era of tech.
Surface all public RSS/Atom feeds on any website.
“Over the next decade the browser will need to adapt or die.”
The good, the bad, and the ugly of new TLDs.
Will other web browsers follow this move?
Microsoft follows Google’s earlier removal of the cache link.
“They remind us that the web extends beyond technology.”
A simple way to guide yourself through tough decisions.
“Be inclusive, be kind, be transparent, and contribute to a better web. We have ample evidence of what doesn’t work and of things that have gone wrong, and we can take carefully considered steps towards something better.”
An open-source grammar checker for developers.
“Everyone needs more chances, more benefit of the doubt, more opportunity. But what turns a chance into a big break is what we do with it once the chance arrives.”
The AI-powered search engine from OpenAI for public use.
What it means for AI users and website owners.
The key is adjusting your mindset before kickoff.
Though not required, it still has its place and value.
What happens on the internet every minute in 2024.
Is this the biggest privacy erosion in 10 years?
Evaluate your SEO rankings with web performance scores.
Enhanced web surfing for various accessibility needs.
“The web wasn’t built by solo tech geniuses, or finance firms, or luminaries with grand promises. It was time, and energy, compounded by millions of people. Collective action will be what brings us to the next era of the web.”
Core metrics that work for almost any organization.
Insights from Google’s latest Search Off the Record podcast.
“The U.S. FTC has put accessibility overlay vendors on notice.”
An open directory of personal sites and blogs.
A bookmarklet to quickly copy page titles and links.
Key themes and moments in the AI landscape.
How Microsoft tries to keep its users from Google Search.
“If your sole responsibility is to write code, your job is almost certainly at risk.”
A gallery of developer portfolios for your inspiration.
“Maybe we should stop calling them ‘notifications’ and instead refer to ‘interruptions.’”
“Things have gone off the rails.”
The AI chatbot now handles tasks regardless of user presence.
Where’s the drop, and where did searchers go?
A ready-to-use CMS debuts as Drupal celebrates 24 years.
Core engagement metrics and ways to enhance them.
Google’s move targets bots but could also hit SEO tools.
How we can make our products more user-centric.
“Friction, in the digital world, is important. Everything is already moving at a pace that’s not really compatible with the way humans work. We need digital speed bumps to remind us that going slow sometimes is preferable.”
“No, but it’s going through massive changes.”
An AI agent with a browser to perform tasks for you.
“The broader trend toward a more closed web remains deeply concerning.”
Visual insights into web tracking and its players.
Weirdness is what makes AI errors unique.
“One of the simplest ways to improve your work.”
What is it now: hero, villain, or outdated relic?
What the metric measures and how to improve it.
How the directive affects you and what to do next.
“The entire point of the web is to connect. It’s about personal expression, it’s about creativity, it’s about sharing openly. It’s about respecting others, it’s about listening, it’s about reflecting on what other people say.”